Black Lives Matter

Kevin Wilde


Implementing a Type System

In December 2020, I presented a workshop at Reactathon in which we implemented a two static type systems — the first relied on type…

Enforcing Correlated Types

Occasionally, when creating a React component you have some subset of props that are correlated with each other. This article will explore…

Differences in output of Typescript compiler and Babel for classes

Recently, I worked on switching our entire frontend codebase from using ts-loader to use babel-loader. In doing so, I ran into some…

Code Splitting with React in a Symfony + Assetic codebase

Course Hero’s main website is (for the most part) one large Symfony application. Symfony is a PHP framework, though the intricacies of…

Incremental Migration

TypeScript has exploded in popularity over the past couple years. If you asked a random developer why they think this has happened, they…

ClassNamed Components

At Course Hero, we aren’t currently using a CSS-in-JS library. Instead, we have a css framework that is largely based on Bootstrap 4. While…